3 Maintenance Tips for Screened In Porches

Having a screened-in porch already saves you a little bit of maintenance, as it shelters your porch from the elements. With durable window screens, you can enjoy sitting on your porch in any kind of weather without having to worry about that weather affecting your day. But lowering the maintenance doesn’t mean there will be no maintenance at all. You still need to care for your screened-in porch so that you can continue to enjoy it for years to come. Here are some of our top maintenance tips:
Cleaning Your Screened-In Porch
You might not have to clean your screened-in porch as often as you would a porch without screens, but weather can still follow you inside. People track leaves and sometimes sticks in and dirt and dust might still build up. Make sure that you sweep the porch a couple times a week and dust any surfaces, windowsills, or fans. You’ll also want to scrub or mop the floors every month or so with a gentle but effective cleaning solution.
Reseal Wood Floors
If you have hardwood floors for your screened-in porch, you’ll want to reseal them occasionally to make sure they remain in good shape through years and decades of use. You’ll have to eyeball this for signs of wear and tear over the years, but typically wood floors for screened-in porches require resealing every 5-7 years. Again, your wood floors will be a little more protected because of the screens that cover your porch, but not impervious to damage that might creep in from outdoors as people go in and out.
Choose a Trustworthy Sunspace Contractor
One essential to screened-in porch maintenance is to make sure that you have a high quality screened-in porch in the first place. A cheap screened-in porch made with cheap quality will cause more problems than not over time. Our porch enclosures use WeatherMaster windows because they stand up to the elements and even help to insulate the space so you can enjoy your porch throughout the year. Full screens help to protect your screened-in porch from pests like insects. You can keep these windows fully open with a full screen, close them, or anything in between, offering much needed ventilation. Best of all, our screened-in porches are made custom to your needs, so you’ll have the perfect sunroom for you, with the right amount of maintenance for your lifestyle.
At Sunspace Texas, we offer top quality sunrooms and porch enclosures as well as advice on choosing, decorating, and maintaining your sunroom or porch enclosure. Check out our blog for more sunspace tips. Ready for a screened-in porch of your own? Contact Sunspace Texas today to learn more or to get started with a free estimate.