5 Ways to Protect Your Sunroom or Porch Enclosure

A sunroom is a great way to enjoy all that outdoor light and sunny weather year round. With summer in full swing, however, the heat and sunlight can be quite intense — especially here in Texas. You’ll want to take steps to protect your sunroom or porch enclosure this summer. Here are a few of our tips:
In the summer, sunrooms and porch enclosures can become quite stuffy, absorbing the air from outside and filling the room. You can keep them comfortable, however, by having some form of ventilation. Ceiling fans or standing fans will help to keep air moving so that hot air doesn’t linger and make the room stuffy and unbearable. They also push hot air out of the room through vents to get rid of the problem altogether.
Tinted Windows or Screens
Windows often draw in much of that hot weather by transferring heat through the glass or screen. This can also be problematic if you have furniture in your sunroom or porch enclosure, as it can become bleached from the sunlight. Tinting the windows and screens or using low-E glass coatings will help to let in plenty of light while blocking the worst of the sun’s harmful UV rays and heat. This way, you can control the temperature of the room and protect your furniture.
While sunrooms are created to let in as much sunlight as possible, if you need to keep the room cool, you can also install blinds to be used on the most extreme days. Blinds can be adjusted to allow light to stream through, but in a filtered way so that the room stays cooler. They also provide a barrier between the heat passing through the glass and the rest of the room.
Summer is the season when you have most to worry about bugs and other pests sneaking inside. If your windows or screens aren’t properly sealed, it provides them a space in which to squeeze their way in. That’s why it’s particularly important to use sealant on your windows and make sure that it’s in good shape. If you have a screen, you should also make sure there are no small gaps in which bugs can get through. Keeping your sunroom properly sealed will also help to insulate it and keep out unwanted heat.
Your sunrooms and patio enclosures from Sunspace Texas come with locks, and it’s important to use them when you’re not using the room. These locks will protect the room from intruders, but that’s not the only reason to use locks. They also more sturdily secure the windows and screens so that in the event of a storm, they’re less likely to be blown off.
Looking for more ways to protect your sunroom or porch enclosure this summer? It starts with having a high quality sunroom or porch enclosure to begin with. Contact Sunspace Texas today for more information or a free quote on your own sunspace.