Let’s say you’re in Central Texas in the beautiful city of Bryan in Brazos County. You want to grill in your back yard one hot Texas summer afternoon. If you live in Texas, you know what the problem with grilling on sunny Texas afternoon in the middle of summer is like. In that situation, you need shade.
What options do you have to make your patio a perfect place to grill all summer long? An Acrylic Roof Systemcould be the best choice for you. You’re protected from the sun, but there’s plenty of open air for your grill. An Acrylic Roof System can be fitted on multiple types of structures so the look that you end up with will be the right one for your house.
What if you already have a roof over your patio, but you want an enclosure? It would be nice to enjoy warm evenings outside with friends without mosquitos on a screened porch. There are many different products that can make a good porch enclosure. It depends on your home and whatever building codes may apply in your area. If you want an enclosed screened porch, get one that’s custom designed for your space instead of trying to jerry-rig factory made products. Custom designed porch enclosures will fit seamlessly with the design of your house.
Whether you live in Dallas, Austin, Bryan, College Station, Houston, The Woodlands, or Conroe we can help you enjoy your outdoor space even more. With a patio cover or an enclosure, you can have what you need to make your outdoor space perfect for you. Texas is a big place but our cities have a lot in common and weather worth enjoying is one of them.
Which products stand up to Texas weather?
With the heat, cold, wind and rain you may be wondering what kind of weather different porch enclosures can handle. One thing you want to be sure of is that you’re installing products that are up to code. An easy way to do that is to hire professionals to design the enclosure for you. Then, you want to make sure they’re using high-quality products that withstand harsh conditions.
For example, you can get WeatherMaster Plus windows that are rated to withstand winds up to 75 mph. The windows can withstand a lot more than just wind. If you watch some of the videos, you’ll see that these windows can handle almost anything the weather throws at them.
If you want a patio cover or an enclosure, hire professionals that can give you a hand. They can do the work up to code with a custom-made design that will fit your house beautifully. Trying to fit one size fits all factory-made materials into your space may seem like the easy answer at first, but when you start trying to put it in place, you’ll see why a custom design works best. Look at the gallery to see how custom screened porch designs worked for these homeowners.
If a custom design sounds like the right thing for your home, get a free estimate.