Celebrating Christmas In Your Sunroom

With Christmas on the way, you may already be busy decking your halls and now your attention has turned towards your new sunroom. In the shorter days that come with winter, the natural sunlight from a sunroom is a boon, and if you have an all-season sunroom, you can enjoy it even as winter comes on. In fact, it could be the perfect place to celebrate Christmas this year. It’s just a matter of knowing how to utilize it.
Christmas Dinner in the Sunroom
If you have an all-season thermal room or a sunroom with a fireplace in it, why not bring Christmas dinner out to the sunroom? If you have a table, lay out a Christmas themed table cloth and a few table ornaments. If not, you can always move a table into the sunroom. With the beautiful outdoor views, it’s the perfect place to sip hot cocoa or go in for a second helping of mashed potatoes while you spend time sharing stories about the past year with your friends and family.
Fun For the Kids
Another option is to use the sunroom as a playroom for the kids. Having family over for Christmas often means having to keep the little ones occupied, whether they’re your own or nieces and nephews who live long distance. While all the distant cousins get together, you can give them a space to play with each other where the adults will still be able to keep an eye on them. The sunroom is the perfect spot for that. It will also give adults the opportunity to have a little more peace and quiet while the kids still get out their energy.
Deck the Screens?
Window decals, tinsel, and hung wreaths can all be used to add some cheer to your sunroom screens. Just because we’re not likely to have snow on Christmas in West Texas doesn’t mean you can’t have snow in the sunroom. If you have kids or artistic friends, consider enlisting their help with paper snowflakes or buying snowflake window decals. For a softer touch, you could consider stringing white Christmas lights around the frames of the window screens to add light and cheer to the space even after the sun goes down.
Home for the Christmas Tree
Rather than rearranging your living room, consider placing the Christmas tree in your sunroom or porch enclosure. This way, you’ll have space and a place of honor for the beautiful tree. You’ll even be able to see it from outside. You can build up the presents under the tree throughout the month until Christmas rolls around and then gather in the sunroom to open them all as a family.
Here at Sunspace Texas, we’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays, and we’d like to present the gift of our beautiful, efficient sunrooms. We have a number of models, from screen rooms to all-season thermal rooms, and even enclosed porches. Contact us today for more information or to set up your sunroom so it will be ready for next Christmas.